Tuesday, March 14, 2006

A month has passed...

Hello again...

The whole project has lost a bit of momentum I am afraid. We have had a couple of rehersals since I last posted and well, they have been fairly eventful. Regrettably, I had to sack one of my actors! I think where I went wrong and this is definitely a trap for young players so if you are new to film making take note, when I initally wrote the script I wrote the characters with already in mind who I wanted to play the parts. When it came to auditions, I didn't have any! I just presumed they were perfect for the part and went head first into production. I now realise that this is the wrong thing to do. I will now always make my actors audition for a part. Since then I have cast my multi-talented editor and assistant director in the role made vacant by the initial sacking and it looks like things may be getting back on track.

Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Birth of Oblivion - First post...

Well this is the first blogg for my very first short film called - 'Birth of Oblivion'. I thought it would be interesting to document my personal journey through the process of trying to get this movie made. Birth of Oblivion or what I like to affectionately call BOO, is a very short script that I wrote last year while I was living in Edinburgh. There were several things that I wanted to achieve out of this exercise. One, I wanted to prove to myself I was capable of completing a script or story, no matter how Ill-conceived or poorly written. I've had dozens of ideas for stories and film scripts over the years but have never been motivated enough to finish them. Two, its a dream of mine to write and direct my own film. So anyway this is the Blogg I will use to write about the up and downs and the ins and outs of my experience making BOO.. Stay Tuned!